PDF | source | Last updated: December 02 2024
Current Role
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
2018 - present
Tufts University, Medford, MA
- Tenure-track role involving research as well as teaching, mentorship, and service
- Research in statistical methods for machine learning, published in AISTATS, NeurIPS, ICML
- Research in applications of ML to health, published in MLHC, CHIL, clinical journals
- Research in applications of ML to STEM education
- Mentorship: Actively advise 4 full-time Ph.D. students and 1 post-doc
- Teaching: Taught core data science courses: CS 135 Intro to ML and CS 136 Statistical Pattern Recog.
- Teaching: Developed new courses for graduate students: CS 152 Bayesian Deep Learning and CS 152 Learning from Limited Labeled Data
Research Expertise
Machine Learning
- Unsupervised learning, Semi-supervised learning, Supervised learning
- Probabilistic models: Bayesian nonparametrics, topic models, hidden Markov models, deep generative models
- Estimation methods for posterior distributions: variational methods, Markov chain Monte Carlo
Applications of ML to Healthcare
- Early warning systems for predicting mortality/deterioration in hospitalized patients
- - Consume EHR time series of labs, vitals, diagnosis and procedure codes
- Image analysis / computer vision for heart disease and cerebrovascular disease
- - Predicting aortic stenosis (valve disease) from echocardiograms (ultrasound of the heart)
- - Predicting risk of stroke/dementia from CT/MRI images
- Spatiotemporal forecasting of opioid overdose events
- Modeling demand for hospital resources over time due to COVID-19 pandemic
Human Activity Analysis
- Sensor time-series, motion capture, video, images
Brown University
Ph.D., Computer Science
Brown University
M.S., Computer Science
Olin College of Engineering
B.S. Electrical & Computer Engineering
Highlighted Publications
InterLUDE: Interactions between Labeled and Unlabeled Data to Enhance Semi-Supervised Learning
Zhe Huangd, Xiaowei Yu, Dajiang Zhu, and Michael C. Hughes
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2024
Zhe Huangd, Ruijie Jiang, Shuchin Aeron, and Michael C. Hughes
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024
Kyle Heutond, Jyontika Kapooru, Shikhar Shrestha, Thomas J. Stopka, and Michael C. Hughes
American Journal of Epidemiology, 2024
Transfer Learning with Informative Priors: Simple Baselines Better than Previously Reported
Ethan Harveyd, Mikhail Petrov, and Michael C. Hughes
Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR), 2024
Zhe Huangd, Benjamin S. Wessler, and Michael C. Hughes
Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference (MLHC), 2023
NovelCraft: A Dataset for Novelty Detection and Discovery in Open Worlds
Patrick Feeneyd, Sarah Schneiderd, Panagiotis Lymperopoulos, Liping Liu, Matthias Scheutz, and Michael C. Hughes
Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR), 2023
Fix-A-Step: Semi-supervised Learning from Uncurated Unlabeled Data
Zhe Huangd, Mary-Joy Sidhomu, Benjamin S. Wessler, and Michael C. Hughes
Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) [oral, top 2\% of 1500+ submissions], 2023
Automated Detection of Aortic Stenosis using Machine Learning
Benjamin S. Wessler, Zhe Huangd, ... and Michael C. Hughes
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, 2023
Easy Variational Inference for Categorical Models via an Independent Binary Approximation
Michael T. Wojnowicz\textsuperscript{p}, Shuchin Aeron, Eric L. Miller, and Michael C. Hughes
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2022
Optimizing Early Warning Classifiers to Control False Alarms via a Minimum Precision Constraint
Preetish Rathd and Michael C. Hughes
Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2022
The Tufts fNIRS Mental Workload Dataset & Benchmark for Brain-Computer Interfaces that Generalize
Zhe Huangd, Liang Wangd, Giles Blaney, Christopher Slaughteru, Devon McKeon, Ziyu Zhou, Robert Jacob, and Michael C. Hughes
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) Track on Datasets and Benchmarks, 2021
Dynamical Wasserstein Barycenters for Time-series Modeling
Kevin C Chengd, Shuchin Aeron, Michael C. Hughes, and Eric Miller
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2021
Gian Marco Visaniu, Alexandra Hope Leeb, Cuong Nguyenm, David M. Kent, John B. Wong, Joshua T. Cohen, and Michael C. Hughes
Machine Learning for Healthcare (MLHC), 2021
Michael C. Hughes, Melanie F. Pradier, Andrew Slavin Ross, Thomas H. McCoy Jr, Roy H. Perlis, Finale Doshi-Velez
JAMA Network Open, 2020
Highlighted Preprints
Michael Wojnowicz\textsuperscript{p}, Kaitlin Gili\textsuperscript{p}, Preetish Rathd, Eric Miller, Jeffrey Miller, Clifford Hancock, Meghan O'Donovan, Seth Elkin-Frankston, Tad T. Brunyé, and Michael C. Hughes
arXiv, 2024
SINCERE: Supervised Information Noise-Contrastive Estimation REvisited
Patrick Feeneyd and Michael C. Hughes
arXiv, 2024
Non-Parametric and Regularized Dynamical Wasserstein Barycenters for Sequential Observations
Kevin C. Chengd, Shuchin Aeron, Michael C. Hughes, Eric L. Miller
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2023
Semi-Supervised Prediction-Constrained Topic Models
Michael C. Hughes, Gabriel Hoped, Leah Weinerd, Thomas H. McCoy Jr, Roy H. Perlis, Erik B. Sudderth, and Finale Doshi-Velez
Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2018
String formatting considered harmful for novice programmers
Michael C. Hughes, Matthew C. Jadud, Ma. Mercedes T. Rodrigo
Comput. Sci. Educ., 2010
Honors and Awards for Research
Sunrise Award, Tufts University
- Awarded to one junior faculty each year in Tufts' School of Engineering for research excellence
Best Poster Award Time Series Workshop @ ICML 2021
Best Paper Award, SoCal NLP Symposium 2018
- Awarded for 2 page summary of our AISTATS 2018 paper.
Nominee for AMIA Clinical Informatics Research Award
- 1 of 7 papers nominated at AMIA's 2017 Joint Summits on Translational Science, out of >50 papers.
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Award
- Three year award to fund Ph.D. studies. Covers tuition and provides research stipend.
NDSEG Graduate Research Fellowship Award
- Three year funding award. Declined to accept NSF fellowship.
Honors and Awards for Peer Review
Top 10 Percent Reviewer Award, AISTATS 2023
- Recognized as one of top 10 percent of all 2500 expert reviewers at a top international machine learning conference.
Highlighted Reviewer Award, ICLR 2022
- Recognized as a top reviewer at ICLR, a top-tier international machine learning conference.
Top 10 Percent Reviewer Award, AISTATS 2022
- Recognized as one of top 10 percent of all 2500 expert reviewers at a top-tier international machine learning conference.
Top 10 Percent Reviewer Award, NeurIPS 2020
- Recognized as one of top 10 percent of more than 3500 expert reviewers at the top international machine learning conference.
Top 400 Reviewer Award, NeurIPS 2019
- Recognized as one of top 400 of more than 3500 expert reviewers at the top international machine learning conference.
Top 200 Reviewer Award, NeurIPS 2018
- Recognized as one of top 200 of more than 3500 expert reviewers at the top international machine learning conference.
Current Funding Support
Convergent Understanding of Dynamics of Uncertainty in STEM Education
09/15/24 - 09/14/29
NSF Growing Convergence Research award \#2428640
- Full title: Towards a Convergent Understanding of the Dynamics of Uncertainty In Individuals and Groups with a Focus on STEM Education
- Goal: Develop ML methods to help students embrance uncertainty constructively in STEM education
- My role: co-Investigator, along with 9 other Tufts faculty
- News Article: Tufts Now
- Total Amount: \$1,200,000 per year for 2 years, chance to renew
Decision-Aware Adaptive Probabilistic Models from Limited Supervision
07/01/24 - 06/30/29
NSF CAREER award \#2338962
- Title: Decision-Aware Learning of Adaptive Probabilistic Models from Limited Supervision
- Goal: Develop improved ML methods to help make decisions under uncertainty in health applications
- My role: Principal Investigator (solo)
- News Article: Tufts SoE News
- Total Amount: \$599,998 for 5 years
ML to Identify Opioid-Related Incidents in EMS Patient Care Reports
04/01/24 - 03/31/25
Americal Public Health Association (APHA)
- Title: Using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning to Improve Identification of Opioid-Related Incidents in EMS Patient Care Reports
- Context: Injury and Violence Prevention Data Science Demonstration Project
- Goal: Develop improved alert systems for opioid overdose events in Lowell, MA
- Team: Shikhar Shrestha (PI, Tufts Public Health) and Tom Stopka (co-I, Tufts Public Health)
- My role: Lead of ML methods to identify opioid events from written EMS reports
- Total Amount: \$200,000 for one year
Covert Cerbrovascular Disease detected by AI
02/15/24 - 01/31/28
- Full title: Pragmatic neuroimaging biomarkers for future stroke and dementia risk
- Goal: Develop biomarkers for brain disease from large dataset of CT and MRI images
- Team: David Kent (PI, Tufts Medical) and Wansu Chen (co-I, Kaiser Permanente)
- My role: Lead investigator of ML methods to predict risk of stroke and dementia
- Total Amount: \$790,627 for first year
C2D2AI: Pilot Investigation for Neuroimaging Biomarkers
10/15/23 - 4/15/25
Alzheimer's Drug Discovery Foundation (ADDF)
- Full title: Covert Cerebrovascular Disease Detected by Artificial Intelligence (C2D2AI): Pilot Investigation for Pragmatic Neuroimaging Biomarkers for Future Stroke and Dementia Risk
- Goal: Develop biomarkers for brain disease from pilot dataset of MRI images
- My role: Lead investigator of ML methods to predict risk of stroke and dementia
- Team: David Kent (PI, Tufts Medical) and Wansu Chen (co-I, Kaiser Permanente)
- Total Amount: \$599,788 over 1.5 years
MASTR-E: Machine Learning Models for Human Performance Prediction
9/1/20 - present
U.S. Army NSRDEC, Natick, MA (via Tufts CABCS)
- Full title: Statistical and Machine Learning Models for Data Reduction and Human Performance Prediction
- Part of larger cross-institution MASTR-E project funded by US Army
- Team: Eric Miller (co-PI, Tufts ECE) and Shuchin Aeron (co-PI, Tufts ECE)
- My role: Lead investigator of variable selection methods and team dynamics time-series modeling
- Total Amount: Roughly \$496,098 per year for 5 years (yearly renewal of 1 year contract)
Past Funding Support
Autonomous Cognitive Technologies for Novelty in Open Worlds
11/15/19 - 5/15/23
- SAIL-ON Program: Science of Artificial Intelligence and Learning for Open-world Novelty
- Team at Tufts: Matthias Scheutz (PI, CS), Liping Liu (CS), Jivko Sinapov (CS)
- Team at Arizone State: Chitta Baral (CSE), Subbarao Kambhampati (CSE)
Amortized Inference for Large-Scale Graphical Models
9/1/19 - 8/31/22
NSF CISE: Robust Intelligence: Small
- Co-Investigators: Liping Liu (PI, Tufts CS) and Thomas Stopka (Tufts Public Health)
- Total Amount: \$399,923
A Benchmark De-identified Echocardiogram Database
5/1/21 - 4/30/22
Pilot Grant from Tufts CTSI
- Full title: A Benchmark De-identified Echocardiogram Database for Studying Automated Diagnoses
- Co-Investigators: Benjamin Wessler (PI)
- Tufts CTSI = Clinical and Translational Science Institute
Estimating the societal value of COVID-19 therapeutics
1/1/21 - 12/31/21
Tufts Medical Center (Originating Sponsor: Pfizer)
- Co-Investigators: Peter Neumann (Tufts CEVR) and Joshua Cohen (Tufts CEVR)
The value of predictive analytics during the COVID epidemic
7/1/20 - 6/30/21
Tufts Springboard Award (Tufts Univ. Provost's Office)
- Full title: Demonstrating the value of a proposed Tufts-led predictive analytics and comparative effectiveness research network during the COVID epidemic
- Co-Investigators: David Kent (Tufts Medical) and Jessica Paulus (Tufts Medical)
- Total Amount: \$50,000
Estimating Individual Treatment Effects
7/1/19 - 6/30/20
Tufts Collaborates Award (Internal)
- Title: 'Estimating Individual Treatment Effects from Randomized Clinical Trials using Machine Learning'
- Co-Investigators: David Kent (Tufts Medical Center)
- Total Amount: \$50,251
Invited Talks
Invited Talk at SPIRAL seminar series, Dept of ECE, Northeastern University
- Title: Improved Methods for Supervised Contrastive Learning and Semi-Supervised Learning
Invited Talk at Takeda
- Title: Overcoming the Limited Availability of Labeled Data for Medical Image Classification
Invited Talk at PACE Research Group meeting, Tufts Medical Center"
- Title: Towards deployable automatic screening of aortic stenosis from echocardiograms
Invited Talk, WPI ECE Dept. Online Graduate Seminar
- Title: Diagnosing Heart Disease and Preventing Fatal Overdoses via Probabilistic Machine Learning
Invited Talk, UMass Dartmouth CS Dept. Graduate Seminar
- Title: Diagnosing Heart Disease and Preventing Fatal Overdoses via Probabilistic Machine Learning
Invited Talk, Apple Inc.
- Title: Challenges in Time Series - False Alarm Control and Gradual State Transitions
Invited Talk at "I Can't Believe it's not Better" workshop at NeurIPS 2020
- Title: I Can't Believe Supervision for Latent Variable Models is not Better: The Case for Prediction constrained training
- Event: I Can't Believe It's Not Better! Workshop (ICBINB at NeurIPS 2020)
- Workshop summary: Bridging the gap between theory and empiricism in probabilistic machine learning
- Talk summary: Makes case for our recent work on prediction constrained training, from AISTATS 2018, AISTATS 2020, and in preparation work
Invited Talk at Northwell Health ML group
- Title: Optimizing Machine Learning Models for Interpretable, Actionable Predictions on Electronic Health Records
- Event: Regular virtual meeting of a ML research working group at Northwell Health (large healthcare provider in NYC)
- Summarizes recent MLHC 2019, CHIL 2020, AISTATS 2020, and JAMA Netw. Open 2020 papers
Invited Talk at U. Arizona
- Title: Overcoming model misspecification in structured clustering and reinforcement learning with prediction constrained training
- Event: Regular meeting of a research working group at U. Arizona funded by NSF TRIPODS award
- Summarizes our recent AISTATS 2020 paper
Invited Short Talk at Duke Clinical Research Institute Think Tank meeting
- Talk: Preferred Quality Metrics for Clinical Prediction Models
- Event: Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Methods and Approaches to Transform Clinical Trial Design, Planning, and Execution
- Host Organization: Duke Clinical Research Institute
- An invitation-only event in Washington D.C. gathering ~40 ML experts, clinical experts, and policy makers
Invited Talk at Meeting of Critical Care Directors in Madrid, Spain
- Talk Title: Optimizing Machine Learning Models for Interpretable, Actionable Predictions
- Event: Reunión Sobre Nuevas Tecnologías en el Tratamiento de Datos Clínicos Electrónicos
- Translation: Meeting on New Technologies for Processing Electronic Health Records
- Hosts: RGI Informatics (Dr. Richard Goldstein, CEO) and Fuenlabrada University Hospital (Joaquin Álvarez, head of ICU).
- An invitation-only hosted event in Madrid for ~30 directors of intensive care units around Madrid, Spain
Invited Mentor at 2019 PLA General Hospital - MIT Critical Data Datathon
- 4th annual PLAGH-MIT Datathon
- Event held in Beijing, China with 25 teams of local clinicians and computational scientists
- Team goal: Answer clinical question on historical public dataset (MIMIC) over 1 weekend
- Event goal: Develop local teams' skills via intense practice with expert oversight
- My role: Advise teams toward principled and clinically-useful analysis
Invited Talk at BNP 2019
- Title: Scalable and Reliable Variational Inference for Dirichlet Process Clustering with Sparse Assignments
- Venue: 12th International Conference on Bayesian Nonparametrics
- Summarizes the effective learning methods behind our BNPy toolbox
Invited Tutorial at MLHC 2018
- Machine Learning for Clinicians: Advances for Multi-Modal Health Data at MLHC '18
- Designed to help clinicians understand enough modern machine learning to collaborate successfully with ML researchers.
Invited Panelist
- Software panel at Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference workshop at NIPS '16.
Past Research Experience
Assistant Professor of Computer Science
2018 - present
Tufts University, Medford, MA
- Research on statistical machine learning methods and applications to health informatics.
- Advised Ph.D., M.S., and B.S. students in machine learning research projects.
- Taught advanced undergraduate courses: COMP 135 Intro to ML and COMP 136 Statistical Pattern Recog.
- Developed new course for graduate students with research interests: COMP 150 Bayesian Deep Learning).
- Appointed as the Ann W. Lambertus and Peter Lambertus Assistant Professor in 2019
Postdoctoral fellow: Machine learning to improve clinical decisions in healthcare
2016 - 2018
Adviser: Prof. Finale Doshi-Velez (Harvard)
- Developed semi-supervised models for characterizing and treating depression (with Dr. Perlis and Dr. McCoy).
- Applied time-series models to predict ventilator interventions in the ICU for public dataset of >36,000 patients.
- Created methods for training deep models so they are more interpretable to clinicians or other users.
Postdoc project: Estimating carbon biomass from LiDAR waveforms
Adviser: Prof. Erik Sudderth & Prof. Jim Kellner (Brown U., Ecology & Evolutionary Biology)
- Predicted forest biomass from LiDAR waveforms to better understand land use and climate change.
- Modeled waveforms and biomass predictions jointly via nonparametric regression using our BNPy toolbox.
- Intended for use in NASA's upcoming Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI).
Ph.D. thesis: Reliable and scalable variational inference for Bayesian nonparametrics
Adviser: Prof. Erik Sudderth
- Thesis Title: Reliable and scalable variational inference for nonparametric mixtures, topics, and sequences
- Developed optimization algorithms for Bayesian nonparametric models that scale to millions of examples.
- Optimized lower bound on marginal likelihood, thus penalizing too simple and too complex explanations.
- Escaped local optima via data-driven proposals that add useful new clusters and remove redundant ones.
- Applied to topic models of 2 million NY Times articles and sequential models of the whole human genome.
- Implemented algorithms in open-source package: Bayesian Nonparametrics for Python (BNPy).
Master's project: Sequential Models for Video and Motion Capture
Adviser: Prof. Erik Sudderth
- Developed methods to discover common actions from many videos of humans performing household exercises.
- Improved existing inference algorithms with data-driven Metropolis-Hastings proposals.
Professional Service
Senior Area Chair
- 2024 - CHIL
- 2023 - CHIL
Area Chair
- 2024 - MLHC
- 2023 - MLHC and ML4H
- 2022 - CHIL and MLHC
- 2021 - CHIL and MLHC
Senior Program Committee / Meta-Reviewer
- 2021 - AAAI
- 2020 - AAAI
Program Committee / Reviewer
- 2024 - AISTATS, ICML
- 2023 - NeurIPS, NeurIPS Datasets&Benchmarks, AISTATS, ICLR
- 2022 - NeurIPS, NeurIPS Datasets&Benchmarks, AISTATS, ICLR
- 2019 - NeurIPS (reviewer award), AISTATS, ICLR
- 2018 - NeurIPS (reviewer award), AAAI, AISTATS, ICLR, AMIA CRI
- 2017 - NeurIPS, ICML, AAAI
- 2016 - NeurIPS
- 2015 - NeurIPS, ICML
- 2014 - NeurIPS, ICML
- 2013 - NeurIPS (reviewer award)
Organizer: Conference on Health, Inference, and Learning (CHIL)
- Two-day up-and-coming conference with proceedings published in PMLR
- My role: Organize paper review process, serve as Senior Area Chair
- Served same role to provide continuity at both CHIL 2023 and CHIL '24
Workshop Organizer: ML4H at NeurIPS 2018
- Machine Learning for Health workshop at NeurIPS '18 (NeurIPS ML4H 2018).
- Full-day workshop with invited keynotes, accepted papers/posters, and lively panel discussions.
- Provided a forum for interdisciplinary interaction between clinicians, statisticians, and computer scientists.
- Helped with website, PR, and continuity in peer-review process from previous years.
Workshop Organizer: BNP at NeurIPS 2018
- All of Bayesian Nonparametrics workshop at NeurIPS '18 (NeurIPS BNP 2018).
- Full-day workshop with invited keynotes, accepted papers/posters, and lively panel discussions.
- Helped with peer-review process for accepted posters, https://sites.google.com/view/nipsbnp2018/schedule.
Workshop Organizer: ML4H at NeurIPS 2017
- Machine Learning for Health workshop at NIPS '17 (NIPS ML4H 2017)
- Full-day workshop with invited keynotes and panels involving clinicians, statisticians, and computer scientists.
- Organized peer-review process for 118 submitted papers.
Workshop Organizer: BNP at NeurIPS 2016
- Practical Bayesian Nonparametrics workshop at NIPS '16.
- Full-day workshop with invited speakers, contributed talks, two panel discussions, and lively poster session.
- Led decisions on >25 submitted papers based on peer review.
Postdoctoral Mentees
Tufts University
- Michael T. Wojnowicz, from 2020 - 2023
- - Tufts DISC Data Scientist, primary adviser M. C. Hughes
- - Papers: ICML '22
- - Next position: Research associate at Harvard Univ., Dept. of Biostatistics, advised by Jeff Miller
Doctoral Mentees
Tufts University
- Zhe Huang, CS, from 2019 - present
- - Topic: Deep Learning with Limited Labeled Data: New Methods and Applications to Echocardiography
- - Awards: Outstanding Academic Scholarship Award from Tufts School of Engineering (one per year)
- - Papers: CVPR '24, AISTATS '23 (oral), MLHC '23, MLHC '21, NeurIPS D&B '21
- Preetish Rath, CS, from 2019 - present
- - Topic: Addressing False Alarms and Missingness in Clinical Prediction Models
- - Papers: AISTATS '22, IMLH workshop '23
- Patrick Feeney, CS, from 2020 - present
- - Topic: Self-supervised and Supervised Contrastive Learning in Open Worlds
- - Papers: TMLR '23, arXiv '23
- Kyle Heuton, CS, from 2020 - present
- - Topic: Training spatiotemporal models to learn where to intervene
- - Papers: IMLH workshop '23
- Ethan Harvey, CS, from 2023 - present
- - Topic: Time-to-event prediction of dementia from neuroimages
- Mira Moukheiber, CS, from 2024 - present
- - Topic: Uncertainty in medical image classification
Co-advised Doctoral Research Mentees
Tufts University
- Kevin Cheng, ECE, from 2019 - fall 2022
- - Primary adviser: Eric Miller (Tufts ECE)
- - Topic: Optimal Transport methods for Time Series modeling
- - Papers: NeurIPS '21, IEEE Trans Signal Proc. '23, ICASSP '20
- - Next position: Takeda, Principal AI/ML Research Scientist
Masters Program Research Mentees
Tufts University
- Yu Liu, MS DS with thesis, from 2020 - 2021
- - Topic: An Evaluation Pipeline for Heterogeneous Treatment Effect Prediction
- - Next Position: Merck
- Xi Chen, MS CS with project, from 2020 - 2021
- - Topic: Bayesian Nonparametric Mixture Models for Missing Data
- - Next Position: CS PhD student at Rutgers
Post-bacc Research Mentees
Tufts University
- Ally Lee, BS CS from Tufts, in 2020
- - Topic: Bayesian Analysis of Autoregressive Models for Multi-Site Hospital Admission Forecasting
- - Next Position: Software Engineer at Hubspot, Boston, MA
- Lily H. Zhang, BS from Harvard, from 2019 - 2020
- - Topic: 'Any Parameter Encoders for Topic Models: Variational Encoders that amortize across models as well as data'
- - Next Position: PhD candidate in CS at NYU, advised by Rajesh Ranganath
Undergraduate Research Mentees
Tufts University
- Mary-Joy Sidhom, BS CS with honors thesis, in 2022
- - Topic: Deep Learning for Doppler Echocardiography from Limited Labeled Data
- - Papers: AISTATS '23 (oral)
- - Next Position: Software Engineer II at ASML
- Hezekiah Branch, BS CS at Tufts, in 2020
- - Tufts LSAMP fellow
- - Topic: Supervised Learning for Clinical Multivariate Time Series
Harvard University SEAS
Research Mentor
- Mentored undergraduate senior thesis projects on Bayesian nonparametric inference.
- Frederick Widjaja. 2017 honors thesis: {Streaming Variational Inference for the Indian Buffet Process}.
- Madhu Vijay. 2017 honors thesis: {Characterizing Posterior Uncertainty for the Indian Buffet Process}.
Brown University
Research Mentor
- Mentored students on projects related to Bayesian nonparametric clustering and the BNPy Python package.
- William Stephenson. 2015 undergraduate honors thesis: Variational Inference for Hierarchical Dirichlet Process based Nonparametric Models.
- Sonia Phene. 2015 undergraduate honors thesis: Multiprocessor Parallelization of Variational Inference for Bayesian Nonparametric Topic Models.
- Mengrui Ni. 2015 masters project: Variational Inference for Beta-Bernoulli Dirichlet Process Mixture Models.
- Mert Terzihan. 2015 masters project.
Tufts CS Dept.
Spring 2024
Course: CS 136 Statistical Pattern Recognition
- Taught advanced statistical learning course to 31 students
- Format: 4 units on fundamentals (math-intensive homeworks, coding assignments, and quizzes) plus project
Tufts CS Dept.
Fall 2023
Course: CS 135 Intro to Machine Learning
- Taught core principles of machine learning to 101 students
- Format: 3 open-ended projects, 5 homeworks (conceptual and code questions), 2 exams
Tufts CS Dept.
Spring 2023
Course: CS 136 Statistical Pattern Recognition
- Taught advanced statistical learning course to 36 students
- Format: 5 math-intensive homeworks, 5 coding-intensive homeworks, 5 quizzes
Tufts CS Dept.
Fall 2022
Course: CS 152 Bayesian Deep Learning
- Taught special topics course to 26 students
- Format: weekly homeworks for first month, then 2-month open-ended team project
Tufts CS Dept.
Spring 2021
Course: COMP 136 Statistical Pattern Recognition
- Taught advanced statistical learning course to 29 students
- Format: 5 math-intensive homeworks, 5 coding-intensive homeworks, 5 short quizzes, 2 exams
Tufts CS Dept.
Fall 2020
Course: COMP 135 Intro to Machine Learning
- Taught core principles of machine learning to 95 students
- Format: 3 open-ended projects, 5 homeworks (conceptual and code questions), and 5 quizzes
Tufts CS Dept.
Spring 2020
Course: COMP 136 Statistical Pattern Recognition
- Taught advanced statistical learning course to 35 students
- Format: 5 math-intensive homeworks, 5 coding-intensive homeworks, 5 short quizzes, 2 exams
Tufts CS Dept.
Fall 2019
Course: COMP 150 Bayesian Deep Learning
- Taught advanced topics seminar to 23 students
- Format: weekly homeworks for first month, then 2-month open-ended team project
Tufts CS Dept.
Spring 2019
Course: COMP 135 Introduction to Machine Learning
- Taught core principles of machine learning to about 50 students
- Format: 3 open-ended projects, weekly homeworks, and 2 exams
Tufts CS Dept.
Fall 2018
Course: COMP 150 Bayesian Deep Learning
- Taught advanced topics seminar to about 18 students
- Format: weekly homeworks for first month, then 2-month open-ended team project
- One project resulted in publication at IEEE conference (ICDL-EpiRob 2019)
Fall 2013
Lead Graduate TA for CS 142: Intro to Machine Learning
- Led weekly 1 hour recitation session to review key concepts for 50+ students.
- Designed homework assignments and exam questions.
Outreach Experience
Tufts DIAMONDS Program , Medford, MA
Research Mentor
- Mentored two undergraduate students per summer in data science research projects.
- Outcomes from '23: mentee Jyontika Kapoor admitted to Northwestern PhD program in Statistics
- Outcomes from '21: mentee Christopher Slaughter wins Goldwater Scholarship, Gates Fellowship
TEALS and Boston Latin Academy , Roxbury, MA
Volunteer AP Computer Science Instructor
- Taught 1-2 classes / week for 2 years via TEALS "CS in every high school" initiative sponsored by Microsoft.
- Developed hands-on lessons to excite students from diverse backgrounds about computational thinking.
- Mentored full-time teacher Ingrid Roche as she transitioned from media arts to AP computer science (Java).
Harvard Humanitarian Initiative , Cambridge, MA
Signal Program Fellow
- Developed prototype detector for common housing structures in sub-Saharan Africa from satellite images.
- Intended for humanitarian oversight of conflict areas where burning structures is common attack pattern.
- Featured in TEDx talk available on YouTube
Olin College Engineering Discovery , Needham, MA
Co-Founder and Curriculum Director
- Managed 15 undergrads in developing hands-on lessons for 4th-8th graders.
- Hosted workshops for 30 children to design, build, and launch bottle rockets.
- Pioneered green energy workshop which earned over \$750 in outside funding.
Industry Experience
Google , Mountain View, CA
Summer 2013
Software Engineering Intern
- Improved walking/biking/running classifier using smartphone accelerometer data.
- Led collection of dataset from dozens of individuals for classifier evaluation via custom Android app.
All Conference Publications (in reverse chronological order)
InterLUDE: Interactions between Labeled and Unlabeled Data to Enhance Semi-Supervised Learning
Zhe Huangd, Xiaowei Yu, Dajiang Zhu, and Michael C. Hughes
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2024
Zhe Huangd, Ruijie Jiang, Shuchin Aeron, and Michael C. Hughes
IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2024
A Probabilistic Method to Predict Classifier Accuracy on Larger Datasets given Small Pilot Data
Ethan Harveyd, Wansu Chen, David M. Kent, and Michael C. Hughes
Machine Learning for Health Symposium (ML4H), 2023
Zhe Huangd, Benjamin S. Wessler, and Michael C. Hughes
Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference (MLHC), 2023
Approximate inference by broadening the support of the likelihood
Michael T. Wojnowicz\textsuperscript{p}, Martin D. Buck, Michael C. Hughes
Symposium on Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference (AABI), 2023
Fix-A-Step: Semi-supervised Learning from Uncurated Unlabeled Data
Zhe Huangd, Mary-Joy Sidhomu, Benjamin S. Wessler, and Michael C. Hughes
Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) [oral, top 2\% of 1500+ submissions], 2023
Easy Variational Inference for Categorical Models via an Independent Binary Approximation
Michael T. Wojnowicz\textsuperscript{p}, Shuchin Aeron, Eric L. Miller, and Michael C. Hughes
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2022
Optimizing Early Warning Classifiers to Control False Alarms via a Minimum Precision Constraint
Preetish Rathd and Michael C. Hughes
Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2022
The Tufts fNIRS Mental Workload Dataset & Benchmark for Brain-Computer Interfaces that Generalize
Zhe Huangd, Liang Wangd, Giles Blaney, Christopher Slaughteru, Devon McKeon, Ziyu Zhou, Robert Jacob, and Michael C. Hughes
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) Track on Datasets and Benchmarks, 2021
Dynamical Wasserstein Barycenters for Time-series Modeling
Kevin C Chengd, Shuchin Aeron, Michael C. Hughes, and Eric Miller
Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS), 2021
Taming fNIRS-based BCI Input for Beter Calibration and Broader Use
Liang Wangd, Zhe Huang d, Ziyu Zhou, Devon McKeon, Giles Blaney, Michael C. Hughes, and Robert J. K. Jacob
ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), 2021
Zhe Huangd, Gary Long, Benjamin Wessler, and Michael C. Hughes
Machine Learning for Healthcare (MLHC), 2021
Gian Marco Visaniu, Alexandra Hope Leeb, Cuong Nguyenm, David M. Kent, John B. Wong, Joshua T. Cohen, and Michael C. Hughes
Machine Learning for Healthcare (MLHC), 2021
Stochastic Iterative Graph Matching
Linfeng Liud, Michael C. Hughes, Soha Hassoun, and Li-Ping Liu
International Conference of Machine Learning (ICML), 2021
MIMIC-Extract: A Data Extraction, Preprocessing, and Representation Pipeline for MIMIC-III
Shirly Wangm, Matthew B. A. McDermott, Geeticka Chauhan, Marzyeh Ghassemi, Michael C. Hughes, and Tristan Naumann
The ACM Conference on Health, Inference, and Learning (CHIL), 2020
POPCORN: Partially Observed Prediction-Constrained Reinforcement Learning
Joseph Futoma, Michael C. Hughes, and Finale Doshi-Velez
Optimal Transport Based Change Point Detection and Time Series Clustering
Kevin Chengd, Shuchin Aeron, Michael C. Hughes, Erika Hussey, and Eric Miller
IEEE ICASSP 2020, 2020
Regional Tree Regularization for Interpretability in Deep Neural Networks
Mike Wud, Sonali Parbhoo, Michael C. Hughes, Ryan Kindle, Leo Celi, Maurizio Zazzi, Volker Roth, and Finale Doshi-Velez
AAAI, 2020
Bret Nestord, Matthew B. A. McDermott, Willie Boag, Gabriela Berner, Tristan Naumann, Michael C. Hughes, Anna Goldenberg, and Marzyeh Ghassemi
Machine Learning for Healthcare, 2019
Nauman Saleem Siddiquic, Andreas Klein, Amandeep Godara, Cindy Varga, Rachel J. Buchsbaum, and Michael C. Hughes
Proceedings of 61st Annual Meeting of the American Hematology Society, 2019
Sensorimotor Cross-Behavior Knowledge Transfer for Grounded Category Recognition
Gyan Tatiyad, Ramtin Hosseinid, Michael C. Hughes, and Jivko Sinapov
Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-EpiRob), 2019
Semi-Supervised Prediction-Constrained Topic Models
Michael C. Hughes, Gabriel Hoped, Leah Weinerd, Thomas H. McCoy Jr, Roy H. Perlis, Erik B. Sudderth, and Finale Doshi-Velez
Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS), 2018
Beyond Sparsity: Tree Regularization of Deep Models for Interpretability
Mike Wuu, Michael C. Hughes, Sonali Parbhoo, Maurizio Zazzi, Volker Roth, and Finale Doshi-Velez
Association for Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), 2018
From Patches to Images: A Nonparametric Generative Model
Geng Jid, Michael C. Hughes, and Erik B. Sudderth
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2017
Right for the Right Reasons: Training Differentiable Models by Constraining their Explanations
Andrew Slavin Rossm, Michael C. Hughes, and Finale Doshi-Velez
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICJAI), 2017
Predicting Intervention Onset in the ICU with Switching State Space Models
Marzyeh Ghassemi, Mike Wuu, Michael C. Hughes, Peter Szolovits, and Finale Doshi-Velez
AMIA Summit on Clinical Research Informatics, 2017
Scalable Adaptation of State Complexity for Nonparametric Hidden Markov Models
Michael C. Hughes, William Stephensonu, and Erik B. Sudderth
Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2015
Reliable and Scalable Variational Inference for the Hierarchical Dirichlet Process
Michael C. Hughes, Dae Il Kim, and Erik B. Sudderth
Artificial Intelligence & Statistics (AISTATS), 2015
Memoized Online Variational Inference for Dirichlet Process Mixture Models
Michael C. Hughes and Erik B. Sudderth
Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2013
Effective Split-Merge Monte Carlo Methods for Nonparametric Models of Sequential Data
Michael C. Hughes, Emily Fox, and Erik B. Sudderth
Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2012
The Nonparametric Metadata Dependent Relational Model
Dae Il Kim, Michael C. Hughes, and Erik B. Sudderth
International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2012
All Journal Publications (in reverse chronological order)
Kyle Heutond, Jyontika Kapooru, Shikhar Shrestha, Thomas J. Stopka, and Michael C. Hughes
American Journal of Epidemiology, 2024
Transfer Learning with Informative Priors: Simple Baselines Better than Previously Reported
Ethan Harveyd, Mikhail Petrov, and Michael C. Hughes
Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR), 2024
Non-Parametric and Regularized Dynamical Wasserstein Barycenters for Sequential Observations
Kevin C. Chengd, Shuchin Aeron, Michael C. Hughes, Eric L. Miller
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2023
NovelCraft: A Dataset for Novelty Detection and Discovery in Open Worlds
Patrick Feeneyd, Sarah Schneiderd, Panagiotis Lymperopoulos, Liping Liu, Matthias Scheutz, and Michael C. Hughes
Transactions on Machine Learning Research (TMLR), 2023
Automated Detection of Aortic Stenosis using Machine Learning
Benjamin S. Wessler, Zhe Huangd, ... and Michael C. Hughes
Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography, 2023
The role of machine learning in clinical research: transforming the future of evidence generation
E. Hope Weissler, Tristan Naumann, Tomas Andersson, Rajesh Ranganath, Olivier Elemento, Yuan Luo, Daniel F. Freitag, James Benoit, Michael C. Hughes, Faisal Khan, Paul Slater, Khader Shameer, Matthew Roe, Emmette Hutchison, Scott H. Kollins, Uli Broedl, Zhaoling Meng, Jennifer L. Wong, Lesley Curtis, Erich Huang and Marzyeh Ghassemi
Trials, 2021
Optimizing for Interpretability in Deep Neural Networks with Simulable Decision Trees
Mike Wud, Sonali Parbhoo, Michael C. Hughes, Volker Roth, and Finale Doshi-Velez
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR), 2021
Enzyme Promiscuity Prediction Using Hierarchy-Informed Multi-Label Classification
Gian Marco Visaniu, Michael C. Hughes, and Soha Hassoun
Bioinformatics, 2021
On Matched Filtering for Statistical Change Point Detection
Kevin Chengd, Eric L Miller, Michael C Hughes, and Shuchin Aeron
IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing, 2020
Gyan Tatiyad, Ramtin Hosseinid, Michael C. Hughes, and Jivko Sinapov
Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2020
Michael C. Hughes, Melanie F. Pradier, Andrew Slavin Ross, Thomas H. McCoy Jr, Roy H. Perlis, Finale Doshi-Velez
JAMA Network Open, 2020
Melanie F. Pradier, Michael C. Hughes, Thomas H. McCoy Jr, Sergio A. Barroilhet, Finale Doshi-Velez, and Roy H. Perlis
Neuropsychopharmacology, 2020
Predicting Treatment Discontinuation after Antidepressant Initiation
Melanie F. Pradier, Thomas H. McCoy, Michael C. Hughes, Roy H. Perlis, and Finale Doshi-Velez
Translational Psychiatry, 2020
Refinery: An Open Source Topic Modeling Web Platform
Daeil Kim, Benjamin F. Swanson, Michael C. Hughes, and Erik B. Sudderth
JMLR Machine Learning Open Source Software (MLOSS), 2017
Emily Fox, Michael C. Hughes, Erik B. Sudderth, and Michael I. Jordan
Annals of Applied Statistics, Vol. 8(3), 2014
String formatting considered harmful for novice programmers
Michael C. Hughes, Matthew C. Jadud, Ma. Mercedes T. Rodrigo
Comput. Sci. Educ., 2010
All Workshop Papers (in reverse chronological order)
Ethan Harveyd, Mikhail Petrov, and Michael C. Hughes
Workshop on Fine-Tuning in Modern Machine Learning (FITML), 2024
Validation of System for Automated Screening for Aortic Stenosis
Samuel Karmiy, Zhe Huangd, Eileen Mai, Jing Li, Monica Dehn, Davinder Ramsingh, John Martin, Ayan R. Patel, Michael C. Hughes, and Benjamin S. Wessler
Abstract accepted for poster presentation at American College of Cardiology (ACC), 2024
Kyle Heutond, Shikhar Shrestha, Thomas J. Stopka, Michael C Hughes
Workshop on Interpretable Machine Learning in Healthcare (IMLH), 2023
Alexander Arjun Lobom, Preetish Rathd, Michael C Hughes
Workshop on Interpretable Machine Learning in Healthcare (IMLH), 2023
Kyle Heutond, Shikhar Shrestha, Thomas J. Stopka, Jennifer Pustz, Li-Ping Liu, and Michael C. Hughes
NeurIPS Workshop on Gaussian Processes, Spatiotemporal Modeling, and Decision-making Systems, 2022
Semi-supervised Learning from Uncurated Echocardiogram Images with Fix-A-Step
Zhe Huangd, Mary-Joy Sidhomu, Benjamin S. Wessler, Michael C. Hughes
Medical Imaging Meets Neurips Workshop, 2022, 2022
Prediction-Constrained Markov Models for Medical Time Series with Missing Data and Few Labels
Preetish Rathd, Gabriel Hoped, Kyle Heutond, Erik B. Sudderth, and Michael C. Hughes
Learning from Time Series For Health (TS4H) Workshop at NeurIPS, 2022
TMED 2: A Dataset for Semi-Supervised Classification of Echocardiograms
Zhe Huangd, Gary Long, Benjamin S. Wessler, and Michael C. Hughes
DataPerf: Benchmarking Data for Data-Centric AI, a workshop at ICML 2022 , 2022
Learning Consistent Deep Generative Models from Sparsely Labeled Data
Gabriel Hoped, Madina Abdrakhmanova, Xiaoyin Chen, Michael C. Hughes, and Erik B. Sudderth
Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference (AABI), 2022
Michael T. Wojnowicz, Shuchin Aeron, Eric L. Miller, and Michael C. Hughes
Tractable Probabilistic Modeling workshop at UAI, 2021
Optimizing Clinical Early Warning Systems to Meet False Alarm Constraints
Preetish Rath and Michael C. Hughes
Interpretable Machine Learning for Healthcare (IMLH) workshop at ICML 2021, 2021
Prediction-Constrained Hidden Markov Models for Semi-Supervised Classification
Gabriel Hoped, Michael C. Hughes, Finale Doshi-Velez, and Erik B. Sudderth
Time Series Workshop at ICML, 2021
Evaluating the Use of Reconstruction Error for Novelty Localization
Patrick Feeneyd and Michael C. Hughes
Uncertainty and Robustness in Deep Learning (UDL) workshop at ICML 2021, 2021
Forecasting COVID-19 Counts At A Single Hospital: A Hierarchical Bayesian Approach
Alexandra Hope Leeb, Panagiotis Lymperopoulosm, Joshua T. Cohen, John B. Wong, and Michael C. Hughes
ICLR Workshop on Machine Learning for Preventing and Combating Pandemics, 2021
Using Hierarchy-Informed Multi-Label Classification for Enzyme Promiscuity Prediction
Gian Marco Visaniu, Michael C. Hughes, and Soha Hassoun
Machine Learning in Computational Biology Workshop (MLCB), 2020
Rapid Model Comparison by Amortizing Across Models
Lily H. Zhangb, and Michael C. Hughes
Second Symposium on Advances in Approximate Bayesian Inference (AABI 2019), 2019
Classification of Enzyme Promiscuity Using Positive, Unlabeled, and Hard Negative Examples
Gian Marco Visani, Michael C. Hughes and Soha Hassoun
Machine Learning in Computational Biology Workshop (MLCB), 2019
Joseph Futoma, Michael C. Hughes, and Finale Doshi-Velez
Reinforcement Learning under Partial Observability (RLPO) workshop at NeurIPS 2018, 2018
Bret Nestord, Matthew B. A. McDermott, Geeticka Chauhan, Tristan Naumann, Michael C. Hughes, Anna Goldenberg, Marzyeh Ghassemi
Machine Learning for Healthcare (ML4H) workshop at NeurIPS 2018, 2018
Prediction-Constrained Topic Models for Antidepressant Prediction
Michael C. Hughes, Gabriel Hoped, Leah Weinerd, Thomas H. McCoy, Roy H. Perlis, Erik B. Sudderth, and Finale Doshi-Velez
NIPS Workshop on Machine Learning for Health (NIPS ML4H), 2017
J. Kellner, J. B. Blair, L. Duncanson, L., S. Hancock, M. A. Hofton, M. C. Hughes, S. Marselis, S., J. Armston, E. B. Sudderth, H. Tang, L. Weinerd, and R. Dubayah
American Geophysical Union, Fall General Assembly, 2016
Supervised topic models for clinical interpretability
Michael C. Hughes, Huseyin Melih Elibol, Thomas McCoy, Roy Perlis, and Finale Doshi-Velez
NIPS Workshop on Machine Learning for Health (NIPS ML4H), 2016
BNPy: Reliable and scalable variational inference for Bayesian nonparametric models
Michael C. Hughes and Erik B. Sudderth
3rd NIPS Workshop on Probabilistic Programming, 2014
Nonparametric Discovery of Activity Patterns from Video Collections
Michael C. Hughes and Erik B. Sudderth
CVPR Workshop on Perceptual Organization in Computer Vision (POCV), 2012